Wednesday, May 8, 2019

OPIM 302 - Management Information Systems - Mini Project Essay

OPIM 302 - Management Information Systems - Mini Project - Essay ExampleThere pass on be new clients who will want to book the hotels in the future (Connolly, & Begg, 2005).The most common entropy types that are common in the database are date because there are various date value that will need to be added to the database. There will also be string values. This will be with values like the address of the client, the names, and the destination or career. Another common data types that will be stored in the database is the integer which will be used to store currency values. There will be a need to store the fees that will be paid by the clients (Prescott, & McFadden, 2007).There will be various embraces that will be run on the database. These reports include the number of clients in the hotel I single month or the number of passengers who travelled to a particular country. There could be also the report on the number of patients who were discharged in a certain period (Rud, 2009). There will be integrity constraints. This is because there will be various forms of currencies which will be entered. The values could be in one currency like the USD to avoid mix up of values. Sometimes the dollars that have been added could be not be the actual currency. Some clients could have money in other currencies which are not back up by the system.The database inspection and repairs the organization gain competitive advantage as data mining will help understand the trends of the clients. They will act according to their reports. They will understand what the clients want and what is frequented by these

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